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Hello esteemed board members.
So commences Meeting #1 of our new company.
Today's meeting covers the following topics:
- What are we selling?
- Equity distribution
- Who will keep the books?
- Outside investment
- Location of operations
Please refer to the pamphlet in front of you for further details.
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I suppose one could measure worth in terms of variety, or effort one puts in a post
But realistically imageboards seems to serve two ends:
1. a place to express oneself when one no longer feels comfortable with their identity
2. a way to cultivate identity, or pass the time the same as any novelty machine, e.g. youtube, news, etc.
Nobody needs to feel obligated to make a post!
I myself do a terrible job of controlling my interests or meeting deadlines
We can just set a long-term goal to aim at, like 4 liters of water to drink every day, even if we'll never actually achieve it.
So at DPC we can discuss how one can do the 1 or 2 in a healthy way
>how one can do the 1 or 2 in a healthy way
One thing I liked from previous boards were when people posted images they came across that they liked.
Frankly I don't know how they find them so consistently
>>1843 1722082314861.jpg–(742.97KB, 2235x2235, Dorayaki.jpg) saucenao
>One thing I liked from previous boards were when people posted images they came across that they liked.
Imageboards are inseparable from images
Though I tried to promote original posts rather than readymade meme pics by providing the emotes I drew
I myself have been trying to take pictures in order to add something unique to this place but most of random pictures I took like this were consigned to oblivion before I post them
I'm still waiting for anyone who photographs a possum!
You really did put in a lot more effort than most imageboard owners.
The emotes really make ikouchan a whole new place, and probably why I enjoy it so much
The possum picture is long overdue I must admit...
I will think about taking pictures!
I don't really like pictures because it's like, do you have to cart around this picture for the rest of your life?
How do people handle their photo storage?
Something like that: but maybe if you make the picture generic enough it should be okay.
Embed: One Summer's Day (From Spirited Away Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)–(YouTube)
>>1418, >>1641
What have you been listening to recently/song that's been on your mind?
I found this rendition album of the Ghibli soundtrack and found the voice angelic.
There's some sort of dignity to be found in it.
Pro tip: did you know that YouTube has a separate interface for music?
YouTube is okay if you're listening to music!!
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Ben's My Friend–(YouTube)
I work for FBI!
Where is my Mind, MR.ROBOT.–(YouTube)
wave your conductor's baton, my friend
Dominic Fike, Weezer - Think Fast (Official Video)–(YouTube)
When I come across rap stuff it comes off mildly juvenile, but that juvenile nature is what makes it endearing
> Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty.
> Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old
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Can i get some help rendering translucency manually in traditional art.
Like how the value are placed and so on based on the form and placement in the scene
So far i only know that the color will multiply whatever is behind but then the refraction and caustics comes in and reflection makes it all confusing
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>>1614, >>1615 1710189501725.png–(417.36KB, 720x480, 1a7aC.png) saucenao
There are some aesthetics with traditional art that are easier to achieve. Like how in old anime they could achieve very bright looking light easily because it was literal light shining through the glass.
I have never found a pencil brush that actually looked to me like I was taking notes with an actual pencil on paper.
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>>172, >>1585
>find a cool fanfic
>the writer is a jojofag and constantly shoehorns references to his dumb gay ghost anime
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>>1451 23 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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>>1002, >>1335
Esteemed Ikouchan members:
Do you partake in instant messaging?
I find it too stressful so I don't and actively avoid it.
By the same token, I acknowledge that instant messaging effectively replaced any other form of interaction.
Whether it be in person or posting online.
It is crazy to think how much dopamine hits people are getting on the day-to-day if they are in a few group chats.
Though I think a lot of people also just lurk IM channels and they eventually die.
That's what happened to IRC and the few group chats I used to partake in.
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>The mixture of buildings from different eras in China is so cyberpunk
Talk about cyberpunk, Chongqing is definitely gets mentioned, the train going through the buildings must have been quite a sight.
>Can you guess in which era the buildings were built?
Partly. I tried to study architectural history, but it's too hard.
Not to mention all the imitation ancient architectures all around me
But I've been playing geogussr for a while and I've learned some tricks. It's much more likely to be able to tell what areas a building is in.
>Are there your favorite cities to watch? Most cities on Earth seem to have their walking tour videos nowadays
I can't decide. Many cities have given me enjoyment
I also like a another way of exploring a city, I follow a vlogger on bilibili(巡游轨迹) who chooses to visit a city by travelling randomly, which makes the journey full of surprises!
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>>973, >>984
Supposedly if one to earn 6 digit as an illustrator, animemanga or comic cartoon,
What should one do in total, or a list
Like quality of the content they put up
Or how many a year
And how much inside
So on so forth?
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>>1071 1693728135754.jpg–(65.92KB, 400x300, 1693632804568s.jpg) saucenao
Looking to plan some 6 digits traffic art/aesthethic to gather as much of following. Like systematically determine enough value to offer to the market
>>1205 1697425642709.gif–(138.76KB, 400x400, 3d.gif) saucenao
how does illustration gets graded in anime manga industry, either for portofolio/studio, or in the social media?
like how does it get its score
from anatomy to color, how would each of it becomes the value it has, counted, or however it is measured, transalted
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Post your waifus
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Good sleep could work.
I also suspect it may be about how much you believe in its meaning.
For example, people often believe there's meaning in just chatting with others.
And we can convince ourselves in the meaning of an anime plot.
It's up to you to discern which has meaning...
1688754821564.jpg–(82.51KB, 1024x796, 649158f78d68e.jpeg) saucenao
>One of my problems is that nothing has any meaning.
When you have to put up with the BS of technical support and the turning-wheels-to-nowhere of corporate living—compounded with the doldrums of the day-to-day relationships—one is forced to conclude nothing has any meaning IMO
I mean, that's what happened to me (still fighting it at times)
I just try not to think too much about it—or anything, for that matter.
Lately seems like thinking is a parasite of knowing language.
Pic related
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>>504, >>515
Do you like Cure Sword
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>>89 9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Quite interesting.
I think your understanding of the East Asia is not off the mark.
I’ve also heard about shame cultures and guilt cultures. (I’m not remotely knowledgeable about them tho.)