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File: 1655562717512.png–(0.99MB, 784x588, pin.png) saucenao
No.1 Stickied  [Reply]  >>2, >>104
Welcome to Ikouchan!🎋
You can talk about this site on this thread and the admin may answer your questions here.
More information may be on the about page.
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¨ No.1970  >>1971, >>1975, >>1999
Ikouchan has a very-actual-bulletin-board kind of feel being rather slow
¨ No.1971
1735158678871.png–(40.09KB, 187x160, mascot102.png) saucenao
I know the feeling!
¨ No.1975
Also, an addendum, the restive pace ties in perfectly with the name "Ikouchan"
I'm a strong subscriber to "Nomen est omen"
¨ No.1999  >>2000
I know it's not true, but I often feel like every conversation has been had. Memes and hahas are so deified in the lense of nostalgia and so saturated in the conscious that no one (without brain damage) thinks anything they see is good enough to be memed, and will only get on with something if one person shills and shoves their meme down people's throats until it gets over with the other folks. Which is a shitty inorganic way to do it that disregards quality and produces a dysgenic morass of middling memes all coming from the subpar minds of 2 or 3 narcisitic obsessives. Twitch streamer Jerma used to do a New Years event where he would throw away all the running gags of the year to start fresh.

Ikouchan is my favorite textboard with images.
¨ No.2000
1737358289684.png–(40.09KB, 187x160, mascot102.png) saucenao

File: 1657961770435.jpg–(594.38KB, 2012x1801, bump.jpg) saucenao
No.31  [Reply]  >>64, >>65, >>92, >>1827, >>1915, >>2003
Bump this thread anytime you want
53 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.1984
Happy new year!
¨ No.2003  >>2004
Are we bumping? Uh... Yeah!
¨ No.2004
1737855111367.png–(40.20KB, 187x160, mascot103.png) saucenao
¨ No.2007  >>2008
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¨ No.2008
1738751187614.png–(40.20KB, 187x160, mascot103.png) saucenao
You are right!

File: 1736303719637.jpg–(974.17KB, 2240x1260, library.jpeg) saucenao
No.1985  [Reply]  >>1986
Do you read books Ikouchan?
I really like history books
¨ No.1986
1736303719926.png–(40.20KB, 187x160, mascot103.png) saucenao
Good guess!
¨ No.1996  >>2005
What book are you currently reading? I'm reading the Hobbit rn.
¨ No.2005  >>2006
Right now I am reading “Europe: A history”. It’s a very comprehensive overview of European history, very small details are included which I like

How do you enjoy the Hobbit?
¨ No.2006
1738105354035.png–(41.59KB, 187x160, mascot104.png) saucenao
Smart post!

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No.305  [Reply]
Share anything you enjoyed recently, such as anime, games, movies, comics, any hobbies, leisure activities or just doing nothing.

207 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.1955  >>1965
1731774162579.png–(1.18MB, 1280x1024, starracer.png) saucenao
I started watching a French/Japanese cartoon named Oban Star Racers. It follows a young girl named Eva who sneaks onto her estranged fathers racing team as hes about to join an intergalactic racing competition. Eva takes on the fake name Molly and eventually becomes the racer after the pervious one gets injured. Eva is very cute and I love the designs for the aliens and the flying ships they use. ranpha003 It has a good OP too, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2_LqzAN10A it must have been very confusing for young kids to hear Japanese and English in the same song lol.
>No I've never been
Understandable! Have you ever met an otaku IRL and talked about what you like? I once met a very stereotypical nerd in a comic book/geek store in Dublin, I was very shy so its quite an embarrassing memory hahaha, he was a very nice guy though, the other time I talked about anime IRL was when I was speaking to a friend whos a professional boxer, and he asked me if I knew anything about the anime Hajime No Ippo. I said no and so he started telling me everything about it from the way he spoke you could tell he was a massive fan.

What are some popular sports in Japan? In Ireland, Gaelic Football, Rugby, Soccer and Hurling are popular. Soccer is very popular in my family, but I've never taken part or cared much. ranpha003 Have you ever done any sports.
¨ No.1965  >>1969
I've never heard of it. How did you find the anime?

>Have you ever met an otaku IRL and talked about what you like?
I've met many otakus irl but I pretty much never talk about anime irl. I can't organize my thoughts or keep the conversation on

>What are some popular sports in Japan?
I suppose soccer and baseball? I often see people talk about or go watch them

Cool, I've never heard of it. Have you ever played it?

>Have you ever done any sports
I've never been good at any sport. I played ball games like soccer and volleyball only in gym class and I have no good memories of them shamiko006
I like strolling because it doesn't require any skill to enjoy it ranpha003
¨ No.1969  >>1995
Hello. Merry Christmas!
>I've never heard of it. How did you find the anime?
It came up in conversation with a friend and I checked it out.
>Cool, I've never heard of it. Have you ever played it?
No and I don't even really know much about it. When I was a kid I was just god awful at sports ranpha003 I preferred to play video games or watch cartoons at home
>I suppose soccer and baseball? I often see people talk about or go watch them
Oh I've heard of baseball being popular in Japan. If I remember correctly it's because of soldiers post WW2 stationed in Japan missing playing sports they had back home so they taught it to Japanese people, don't quote me on that though. ranpha003 And football is popular no matter where you are ranpha003
¨ No.1995
ずんだホライずん【期間限定 2/14まで】–(YouTube)
I watched the anime Zunda Horizon for the first time because the official account uploaded it on YouTube
I only knew that the character Zundamon is very popular and I knew nothing else about the project so it was nice to have an opportunity to take a glance of its universe

Happy new year!

>When I was a kid I was just god awful at sports
I know what that feels like ranpha003
¨ No.1998
Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl | Official Teaser | Netflix–(YouTube)
I watched Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl on Netflix. I really enjoyed it

File: 1658903565013.jpg–(17.16KB, 400x400, pepe18.jpg) saucenao
No.41  [Reply]  >>54, >>1566, >>1624, >>1626
How are you today
228 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.1978
You're so cagey, Ikou-chan...

But I love t!
¨ No.1987  >>1988
I have been playing the lottery every drawing night hoping I will win. I haven't yet but I will someday!
¨ No.1988
1736304243883.png–(40.15KB, 187x160, mascot108.png) saucenao
You are right!
¨ No.1993  >>1994
I survived my dentist appointment, happy that there is nothing wrong with my teeth I am obliged to remind you that regular check-ups lead to better health on average!
¨ No.1994
1736502619652.png–(39.97KB, 187x160, mascot105.png) saucenao

File: 1656136742684.gif–(441.33KB, 523x425, Shami_punch.gif) saucenao
No.15  [Reply]  >>114, >>235, >>236, >>534, >>1126
What happens in your country
429 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.1953
One could wonder if the seasons reset your sense of the world.
When you live in the tropics, everything blends together in its orange haze.
¨ No.1956
Did rain come for you?

Were you able to enjoy any winter activity with the snow?

I feel like I couldn't enjoy autumn this year. It was just a long summer and then an early winter
¨ No.1963  >>1964, >>1983
It's Over (Restored) || MOTHER 3–(YouTube)
We got snow here as well Audio not related, it's not over yet~

To finally answer this question, very much the "complains in pubs (and nowadays on the Internet) about many things but is reluctant to be the change they wish to see" kind of personality
¨ No.1964
1734375997086.png–(41.62KB, 187x160, mascot110.png) saucenao
¨ No.1983
Did you get more snow now or did it melt away?

File: 1698776560350.jpg–(2.18MB, 3024x3024, WhiteCosmoses.jpg) saucenao
No.1255  [Reply]  >>1257
Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Equinox and so on!
There are many happy anniversaries and holidays all over the world.
Not to mention personal achievements and accomplishments!
52 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.1904
¨ No.1913
I saw the beautiful moon too!
¨ No.1940  >>1941
October 10 was Miyako's birthday
¨ No.1941
A Libra, eh?
But then, it's hard to tell if Miyako is fair minded, or simply lax.
¨ No.1979
Happy new year! 🎊

File: 1680539807330.jpg–(858.25KB, 1638x1638, Pansy.jpg) saucenao
No.537  [Reply]
I think existing threads are enough to blogpost in but I make this thread just in case
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¨ No.1908
1726651930493.png–(39.97KB, 187x160, mascot105.png) saucenao
¨ No.1926  >>1935
Cool! I'm not knowledgeable about DIY electronic gadgets
Do you often build stuff like that yourself? It must be fun

>Thankfully the alarm was not needed this time
Glad to hear that!

>In my case the basement is accessible both from the outside and from the inside.
What do you use your basement for?
Basements are hardly seen in houses in Japan probably because of the humid hot weather in summer
¨ No.1935  >>1936, >>1945
1728237003744.png–(3.03MB, 1890x856, not-a-healthy-snack.png) saucenao
Not too often. But there are times when I suddenly get into the mood and make a bunch of stuff. And yes, automation is fun for my lazy soul

>What do you use your basement for?
Space in our basement is mostly taken up by our three freezers. There's your explanation as to why floods are kinda a problem. konata002 Running multiple freezers is for some reason cheaper than buying and maintaining a commercial one. Besides that it's used to store pickled goods so that they last longer. We also keep old and torn apart clothes in the basement for spares and rags as well. We have jars of pickles from 2019 that are still edible.

Humidity is definitely a problem in basements and cellars here as well. We don't store anything prone to humidity (such as computers or books) in the basement as we aren't monsters.

Went mushroom picking today as it was raining heavily the whole week. Even in close vicinity there were too many Prague cottagers to have any peace. Public TV reporting ruining everything once again. (the previous statement was a joke.) Good thing they are extremely bad at searching and picking, still plenty of left for me Pictured is most likely fly amanita, an arguably bad addition to your meal. Mostly as it's poisonous

A question for everybody: Do your use mushrooms in dishes? Are there any particular edible species that one can find in the wild? Is it even legal to pick wild mushrooms in others forests where you live?
¨ No.1936
1728237004572.png–(40.09KB, 187x160, mascot102.png) saucenao
Smart post!
¨ No.1945
>Space in our basement is mostly taken up by our three freezers.
Many freezers!
I'm glad your basement didn't get flooded with them

>Went mushroom picking today
Mushroom picking is so cool!
I always want to stumble upon cool-looking mushrooms but I have no idea where I should look for. The same goes for cool insects

>Pictured is most likely fly amanita
You took the picture?! I know the species but I might have never seen it firsthand

>Do your use mushrooms in dishes?
Sometimes I buy them at the supermarket

>Are there any particular edible species that one can find in the wild?
In Japan, maybe shiitake, shimeji and nameko are popular I guess?

>Is it even legal to pick wild mushrooms in others forests where you live?
In general it's illegal to do it without permission but there are parks and forests where mushroom picking is allowed

Embed: OH MY GAH!–(YouTube)
No.183  [Reply]  >>501
I learned MSM stands for the mainstream media
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¨ No.1914  >>1923
I still keep doing my Spanish lessons on Duolingo every day!
Currently on section 2 unit 5

I feel like I haven't been investing enough time to learn Chinese these days
It's so difficult to manage time to learn and try doing a lot of things

>I have a few comics
What comics?

I think Duolingo is for beginners and it's a good thing that you find Duolingo too easy for you
¨ No.1917  >>1918, >>1937
Cute thread, I'll share my favorite phrase with you. "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"
¨ No.1918
1727472655822.png–(41.72KB, 187x160, mascot101.png) saucenao
You did nothing wrong!
¨ No.1923  >>1937
>Currently on section 2 unit 5

>It's so difficult to manage time to learn and try doing a lot of things
Yeah, I think the only way to beat this is to wake up super early.
Otherwise it feels like there's never enough time.

>What comics?
There's a lot of translated manga into Chinese
>it's a good thing that you find Duolingo too easy for you
Maybe so, but as they say, a good-enough routine you consistently stick to will beat the best routine you give up on.


I am sad to report that I have been hard-stuck @ 10% on the Chinese reading.
It's easy to discard learning Chinese when you have to do work...
On the plus side, I started picking up Japanese again!
Looking forward to memorizing lyrics to some jpop songs
¨ No.1937
>Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining
Thank you for the funny phrase

>I think the only way to beat this is to wake up super early
True, I'm forever trying to become a morning person

>a good-enough routine you consistently stick to will beat the best routine you give up on
Yeah I'm always telling myself that done is better than perfect!

>I started picking up Japanese again!
Learning Mandarin and Japanese alternately could be efficient

File: 1675797068973.jpg–(276.92KB, 643x1254, 1377564611692.jpg) saucenao
No.432  [Reply]  >>433, >>443, >>1891
>Women when WataMote was first released: "Reeeeeeeeeeeee! This manga is offensive! Female otaku don't look and behave like this!"
>Women about Watamote now: "Wow! She is literally me!"
¨ No.433
1675797069352.png–(40.26KB, 187x160, mascot109.png) saucenao
Holy based!
¨ No.443
Is WataMote popular in Greece?
¨ No.1891
It was nicer when women had some shame in public, imo...

Alright, VGHposting ended.
¨ No.1894  >>1895
1726339213635.jpg–(33.76KB, 463x399, 14bfe1fbe7d1e601eca025ef312336a5.jpg) saucenao
"She is so extreme in her actions that it leads me to think that the authors think they're being funny, that Tomoko's over-the-top antics are supposed to be laughed at."

Gee, ya think?!

¨ No.1895
1726339213893.png–(40.06KB, 187x160, mascot106.png) saucenao
Off course!

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