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File: 1688922764561.png–(8.37KB, 262x262, youtube-copyright.png) saucenao
No.809 Locked  >>1451
I read this article today.

I'm going on a YouTube strike!

Join, comrades!
We shall vanquish the Distraction Faction!

¨ No.814  >>820
Some days ago I was on a train and noticed there was a giant cloud outside the window. ("cumulonimbus"? I don't know.)
It is iconic scenery in summer, at least in Japan. I stopped using my phone and was staring at it until I got off the train.
There are many beautiful things we can enjoy without kowtowing to big corpos.
¨ No.820  >>835, >>863
Haven't seen that word in a long time!

An interesting fact about big corpos is that they're middlemen.
People go to YouTube or sign up for WoW because of the people and the stories knitted together from those interactions.

Right now every visitor here is a part of the Story of Ikouchan.
I wonder what will happen next.
Perhaps a prologue is worth writing out?

¨ No.835  >>837, >>838
>Haven't seen that word in a long time!
Is it a popularly known word? It's hard to guess which technical terms are commonly used.

>Right now every visitor here is a part of the Story of Ikouchan.

>I wonder what will happen next.
>Perhaps a prologue is worth writing out?
What should the prologue be like? I have no idea
¨ No.837  >>849
Common speech usually defers to "cloud" for all types.

¨ No.838  >>849
Undertale - His Theme (Orchestral Cover)–(YouTube)
> What should the prologue be like?
I guess you would start with yourself, why you created ikouchan. (you don't have to literally do this lol)
I wonder how it ends.

Browsing /kind/ is what led me to this place. And that has some dialogues on other imageboards dying.
When it does end, I may make a youtube channel instead and waste time on that

¨ No.843  >>849
>I wonder how it ends.
I've been debating this back and forth.
I wanted to at least notify that I do not know if I will continue to use imageboards.

If I don't, I wish you all the best.

¨ No.849
Thank you!

>I guess you would start with yourself, why you created ikouchan.
>Browsing /kind/ is what led me to this place. And that has some dialogues on other imageboards dying.
I don't remember what made me want to host an IB in the first place but I was searching for existing IBs to learn about IBs more.
Then I found 2kind and was impressed, and wanted to have my own one but with more international cultural exchange and with my simple paintings.
It might be better to beef up the About section on the about page with a prologue.
should I ask kindmin to add my place to his friend boards? These days I check heyuri more often than /kind/ though.

>I wanted to at least notify that I do not know if I will continue to use imageboards
Nobody can foretell the future. I don't know if I'll be alive tomorrow. ranpha002
We can enjoy the present moment
¨ No.863  >>864, >>866
Youtube's drastic UI changes/removal of social features over the years have made it feel like they only want there to be two groups on the platform: creators and consumers, and no real community. But I'm quite glad boards like these are still around, because I can have all the community I want
¨ No.864
1690488228413.png–(39.97KB, 187x160, mascot105.png) saucenao
¨ No.866  >>1337
It's a mystery to me how a lot of people complain about centralized big tech platforms and miss the internet of yesteryear, but few visit small boards/forums and very few try to host their own one.
I'm happy you found nice boards and communities for you!
¨ No.1337  >>1338, >>1341, >>1366
> but few visit small boards/forums and very few try to host their own one.
I'm trying to change! ! ! I will visit ikou more often! I swear!

Anyway, it's true. A lot of imageboards are dying while people complain about corporate internet. I don't understand why. Maybe people just conform to how things are? konata001
¨ No.1338
1701169996800.png–(40.06KB, 187x160, mascot106.png) saucenao
Good question!
¨ No.1341
>I'm trying to change! ! ! I will visit ikou more often! I swear!
I'm happy to hear that!
Let's revitalize comfy small online communities
¨ No.1363  >>1364, >>1366
I don't really use YouTube for anything other than listening to music, skimming the news, or watching tutorials or lecture videos.

I don't think makes a huge difference but at least I feel a lot better now and I'm a but at least I'm less distracted.
¨ No.1364
1701883744528.png–(40.06KB, 187x160, mascot106.png) saucenao
You are right!
¨ No.1366  >>1369
>A lot of imageboards are dying while people complain about corporate internet.
>I don't understand why
It takes a certain nestled moment in a life to enjoy the comfy side-lanes of an imageboard.
There aren't any engineers making this site as addicting as possible. (At least I hope not...)
Sometimes when I open up youtube 3 hours goes by because it's optimized in a way to keep you there.
And I think Communities–online or offline–are hard to cultivate precisely because we don't even know what we could want from one another.
More often than not all of our wants/desires are outsourced to The Marketplace.
Join me as the Faustian man and extinguish all warmth in interaction for the ruthless pursuit of perfection/capital/knowledge.
I think the main essential interest of all people who visit ikouchan are those who love nature, so that's a good starting point.
Small imageboards also die because it's hard to say what our shared interests are.
We found nature here organically, so that's interesting, and I'm curious what else evolves.

Yeah, it's strange how YouTube can make you feel so empty afterward.
Where do you spend your computer time instead?
¨ No.1369  >>1370, >>1371
Imageboards and hours of aimless websurfing konata002
¨ No.1370
1702077353865.png–(41.62KB, 187x160, mascot110.png) saucenao
You are right!
¨ No.1371  >>1457
Whatcha procrastinating?
¨ No.1374  >>1375, >>1390
I keep meaning to read some books and finish a playthrough of Resident Evil 4 but I just can't get it done
¨ No.1375
1702174349088.png–(39.97KB, 187x160, mascot105.png) saucenao
¨ No.1390
What books do you want to read?
¨ No.1451  >>1452
I read your aticle, and don't disagree with a lot of it, but there isn't that much of a grand conspiracy to all of it. They want you in this state of distracted consumption solely because it makes them money for you to look at their ads and create more data to market with, there isn't much more to it than that really.

And it's not all bad, most youtube content is garbage but you can still watch things you enjoy with services like invidious.

Yes, it has been used for social control and this is proven, but this obviously comes second to making money. This is the point of all it, like it also mentions the importance sport has in society, this is because it's a big money maker. Sport is also important because it's one of the few remaining social and identity organs left in a lot of countries, it's one of the few physical activities we still do and also because people plain enjoy it!

Moderation is key to all of this.
¨ No.1452
1704853420216.png–(40.26KB, 187x160, mascot109.png) saucenao
Good to hear!
¨ No.1457  >>1458
Articles on kaiju films, how the Samurai were obsessed with Turkish guns, read some weird paper on cannibalism, looked at a discussion on xenomorph evolution online, went hunting for futaba derived board software, downloaded a bunch of books, made a bunch of posts online and that's all in the last half hour. I get nothing meaningful done.
¨ No.1458
1704885281477.png–(40.26KB, 187x160, mascot109.png) saucenao
¨ No.1589  >>1590
Its a video host simple as. You are free to curate and see what the service has to offer.
Now you think. What do you not think? Do you know what did you not know? Does your self know what it does not know?
Entertainment is a need a necessity to combat boredom.
I implore what does the blog authour do amidst the calm?
Why does the authour portray the opponent as weak yet strong?

¨ No.1590
1709796038778.png–(40.09KB, 187x160, mascot102.png) saucenao
Smart post!

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