>A lot of imageboards are dying while people complain about corporate internet.
>I don't understand why
It takes a certain nestled moment in a life to enjoy the comfy side-lanes of an imageboard.
There aren't any engineers making this site as addicting as possible. (At least I hope not...)
Sometimes when I open up youtube 3 hours goes by because it's optimized in a way to keep you there.
And I think Communities–online or offline–are hard to cultivate precisely because we don't even know what we could want from one another.
More often than not all of our wants/desires are outsourced to The Marketplace.
Join me as the Faustian man and extinguish all warmth in interaction for the ruthless pursuit of perfection/capital/knowledge.
I think the main essential interest of all people who visit ikouchan are those who love nature, so that's a good starting point.
Small imageboards also die because it's hard to say what our shared interests are.
We found nature here organically, so that's interesting, and I'm curious what else evolves.
Yeah, it's strange how YouTube can make you feel so empty afterward.
Where do you spend your computer time instead?