It's hard to not have instant messaging apps for me, since well... My mom, dad and everyone around me uses it, and the entire society uses it; so I can't do nothing about it.
But, recently I got myself into imageboards and small communities online, and they're simply the best ones. The concept of community of the early internet is still alive in these websites, like this one. Here, I can be myself and express myself with chill people. It's like looking through a window after a long time on the darkness.
The problem for me isn't instant messaging. The problem is social media, where people attack each other for reasons and problems that normally only exist on the internet.
Imageboards in general, everyone is kinda equal. In social media, people oftenly attack each other for appearance, tastes, followers, and etcetera.
People normally get so attached to their online personas, that they REFUSE to change their opinion online, simply because the people that follow them isn't going to like if they change their opinion. I saw more deeper debates on imageboards than in any place of X/twitter, facebook and etcetera. And I don't like debates.
Not only, there is a constant persecution for attention (likes and followers), and things has been worsening since social media started paying people to post; now there is accounts causing discussion on purpose.
And I am not going to mention A.I. This thing will kill the internet. So for me, stepping away from social media for a while has been the best thing I've ever done for my sanity sake.
i kinda fled from the topic. Sorrrrry.
> Overwhelming information gives me a headache.
> Yeah I've taken a peep of a huge Discord server once and it was a mess.
The problem with big discord servers for me is that there isn't a specific topic going on. You can even have 10 people talking at the same time, but normally one person will be answering only one, two, or three people. The thing is that there isn't, normally, only one specific topic going on the same chat; so it's hard to enter in the conversation. It's simply too chaotic for me.
And it's worse when the server has an established clique. Some don't even send a welcome, and even ignore new members.